Trust has to be built on being more than just being able to deliver a building. This article looks at the role of assurance or trust when it comes to focus on delivering medical property.
Lets share the interests and passions outside of the working week and highlight Zoe’s world of competitive sailing.
No business can be all things to all people. When you build a network of specialists, you become focused with a common goal for a GP. Lets look at the issues of partnership change.
The recent Pulse article reinforces our continued argument about the smoke and mirrors of Government spin on NHS funding and is not committed to actually supporting the delivery of a fit for purpose workable Primary care sector.
This article looks at some key issues during the various stages of the GP life cycle. GP priorities is such a key area to look at in more detail.
A GP cannot work in isolation and have full responsibility with building related issues. When something goes wrong, someone needs to be there that can offer expertise and more importantly reassurance.
Whilst challenges will always be present, a fit for purpose GP surgery presents the ability for generational planning. Lets explain in more detail and some examples where the future was taken on board.
Lets speak to those within the JKW community about the biggest challenges today for a new GP surgery. The views from Philip Proctor from Proctor Watts Cole Rutter architects and Ben Willis from law firm Veale Wasbrough Vizards.
Lets look at how the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards work in relation to GP surgeries.
Welcome back and a Happy New Year. However, does anyone really, really mean what they say at this time? Is it just a few words we utter at the start of January to try and show we care? Much like the government and the NHS when they say they consider General Practice is the […]